Wednesday, March 14, 2012

We've Been Doing Well

We've been doing well lately. We had our moments of sickness and such (I threw my back out for a week once here recently). But, lately things have been going smoothly.

My eight year old, for instance, just had major success on division. Division! She's not my child that things come easy to, but we've stuck with it and she's had success. We've also been figuring some things out for her handwriting. I switched her to practicing cursive. I started some occupational therapy from online sources. And, I think she's left handed! She's doing better since switching her. I have an adult friend who is ambidextrous and she said to get her typing - that this made schoolwork bearable for her son. So, I'm teaching her to type. We'll still be working on handwriting, because I want people to be able to read her handwriting when she writes them, but there is a big sigh of relief.

Weather wise it's been dreary here lately. I can't wait for Spring. I'm praying for some times of dry weather. I planted some Arugula and peas in my greenhouse and I should be starting other starts soon.

We've had two news calves born so far this Spring. We have six more to go. They are cute. That's good. Calving hasn't been too bad this least neither needed to be pulled, although they did need a little doctoring here and there.


My little son is now 19 months old. I love him. He's a joy to all of us. He's a mellow little guy with big muscles. Just about the only time he gets mad is when we put the vacuum cleaner away. He wants to push that thing around the house endlessly. I hope he'll want to do that a little when he's older. He's also quite an artist. At least he runs to share in the art activities. And, so far, he writes with his left hand. Two lefties out of four kids?? My sister and mom were lefties.


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ready To Be Done

Every winter about this time, I am so ready to be done with cold, wet weather. I really need a vacation to Hawaii!

We did have a sunny day here recently, but now the weather is cold and rainy again with no end in sight in the weather forecast. Oh, well. One can hope for a few breaks in the forecast. December had a few breaks, this Spring can right? Definitely not guaranteed here in the Pacific Northwest. Here are some pictures of our farm and family here recently on that sunny day. My little man really is turning into a little man and he's enjoying the country life.









Warmer Days Are Coming

The warmer days haven't come yet. We actually had some snow on the 13th of March. Mind you most of our snow this year has been the fall at night and be slushy the next day variety. This was no different. Yet, being as we homeschool, the kids were able to play in the snow for the morning before the rain came. So, were the cows, although I'm not sure the cows really appreciated the snow.






The rainy days (and time change) have made the kids (and all of us) extra sleepy.

